New QGIS project¶
Let’s create a new project in QGIS Desktop:
copy example dataset from /mnt/repository/isprs/publication_workshop to Projects directory
DO NOT open existing project ISPRS_summerschool_ospublication.qgs - create new one
Fig. 64 Open a new QGIS project.
Set project properties: Name, CRS, relative data path
Fig. 65 Set name of the project, CRS (EPSG:32633 WGS84/UTM33), relative path.
Orthophoto images¶
Load Orthophoto images from publication-data/orthophoto_0_25_utm/north_up
Fig. 66 Orthophoto images are stored in publication-data/orthophoto_0_25_utm/north_up. If asked, set EPSG:32633 WGS84/UTM33 the CRS value of input data.
Set transparency of raster data to value 0
Fig. 67 Layer properties - Transparency set 0.
As result, have orthophoto image of Telč
Fig. 68 Do not forget to create Orthophoto layer group in the layer switcher.
Vector data¶
Add INSPIRE hydrology dataset
Fig. 69 Data are stored in publication-data/publication-data/isprire_hy_gml_etrf89/HY.290399b.gml.
Select all layers
Fig. 70 Click on Select all button.
Create Hydrology group
Add all vector files from publication-data/zabaged_topography_shp_utm
Create map composition, play with styles
Cesta: Path ElektrickeVedeni: Wire LesniPrusek: Bridle way SilniceDalnice: Primary road Ulice: Residential road ZeleznicniTrat: Railway